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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Alien Old Theory - Proof That Aliens Were Here

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The fact is: the evolution of human civilization and higher education is still a mystery to mankind. Evidence more than the older civilizations had amazing understanding of astronomy, science and mathematics that rivals some cultures today. But while these ancient civilizations would be a step in the Stone Age? These ancient civilizations have built huge structures that have stood the test of time ... and even with today's technology and machinery would be difficult to replicate.

How do they do this? Because they feel that it was so important for future generations to see their work? Looking at the historical accounts of the Hopi Indians, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, and many other ancient civilizations, all speak of the strange phenomena that came from heaven as our modern day UFOs. Most of these ancient civilizations had beliefs about the "gods" that interact with or created them.

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How do Aliens Communicate?


How to communicate with aliens? At least we know who do not speak like us. When communicating with people who use telepathic communication, which is activated apparently something in the human brain and can send and receive messages to and from them.

This is done spontaneously, the man had no control over the mechanics of email and regardless of the gland or organ that can have this effect. So far, so good. My intuition tells me it's a way to send the massive pieces of information, or you can remain latent or be recognized immediately. As an e-mail that is sent to be received at a later date, or fax, these blocks of data may also be delayed. Just look for the reports of kidnappings, saying they were kidnapped because "certain information" that will later be able to access. Apparently it is stored "somewhere". Occurs when abducted begin to "remember" events that occurred when they were kids ... We've all experienced the temporary oblivion of names of people and things. In most cases, returns the information alone, without any effort. Something happens - so, we do not control - what triggers the information that reaches the surface itself.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Really There are Ufo in Tunguska

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On 30 June 1908, and drew a big explosion in a remote area in Siberia during the 2000 km2 of the surrounding forests, but there was no impact crater to be found. One of the leading theories when the strange ship exploded, fueled by science fiction novels of the time and that several witnesses claimed that the object that exploded as a "big pipe."
One would expect that if involving a spaceship to explode, there are certainly some of the wreckage were found at the site, but have found nothing so far. Also, if some kind of explosion of a nuclear reactor, and then covered the area around the radioactive dust, but detected no abnormal radioactivity in the region. But you also need to consider: civilization advanced enough to send the vehicle light-years distant in space and can also develop forms of energy that does not leave behind radiation.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

UFO Sightings - What is effective?

Monday, June 13, 2011

We woke up all night watching the sky, and watch the countless stars, and I was wondering if we are alone in the universe is constantly expanding. See the strange lights in the sky, and attentive, although we realize that one of the plan. Well, maybe just me, but the presence of questions about the existence of the universe, the story begins.

Since 1940, when events like the Battle of Los Angeles Roswell UFO incident rocked the world have been stories of people who claim to have seen the UFO. Pictures of flying saucers (mostly false) advertising in the coming years. UFO scenes seems to be stable in the early Renaissance. UFO video flooded, as the invention of the web. UFO Earth passes another planet or universe, or simply caught in the madness that seems never ending the UFO?

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What the Headquarters of the Alien and UFOs on the Moon?


Even before the Apollo astronauts on the moon, our ancestors had to consider the idea that the universe has lived in the intelligent beings.

Have you heard the theory that the government has found the rules of the Moon, and signs of ancient civilizations from the outside, as the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. There is no end of speculation on aliens a month, or Google search YouTube site. He said Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the man who was on the surface of the moon and back, and the senior official said that foreigners who have visited the planet. Mitchell also saw, said he went through all the reasons that the "evidence," said the moon before the Internet, but his eyes, not a shadow of proof. It is believed however, that the person being visited.

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